This post is about how I came up with my favorite character in Nowonderland. His name is King Pin. He is an actual bowling pin that was brought to life in my hidden fantasy world, Nowonderland. King Pin's origin began thus; my son, at six or seven, had a birthday party at a bowling alley. Because he was the B-day boy, they gave him an old pin, that was spray painted silver and had a goofy face drawn on it. He kept this pin in his room for years. Any-hoo, when I was writing, I wanted someone sort of like the Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland, but with no real power. I wanted him to be a narcissistic, power-tripping, know-it-all. Naturally, I based his personality on Donald Trump. He thinks he is the all-powerful king of Nowonderland, but even his flunkies know otherwise. They just play along to shut him up. I had a lot of fun writing his dialog and he is my fav, even though he only appears in chapter three.
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